O’Fallon Wheach

O'Fallon WheachO’Fallon’s Wheach is not your normal wheat bear. It’s got a touch of peach, which gives it some sweetness, and with a 5.1% ABV it’s a light and refreshing session beer. In other words, you can drink this til the cows come home and not want to tip any of them.

(That’s a cow-tipping reference, in case you’re wondering. It’s a Midwestern thing. Don’t ask.)

Magic Hat Number 9

Magic Hat #9Magic Hat #9 is a “Not Quite Pale Ale”. It’s golden orange in color with some fruitiness up front and a slight bit of hops to balance it out. What’s the “not quite” in the pale ale? They’re not telling. They’ve got a secret ingredient that lends it that sweetness and they’re not about to give it up. It’s magic!

Southern Tier Iniquity

Southern Tier IniquitySouthern Tier’s Iniquity is a deep, dark trouble-making brew. Don’t take our word for it; the brewery says they named it for the opposite of goodness. “Allow the darkness to consume you,” they say. And at 9% ABV that’s a distinct possibility! It’s got a heavy chocolate and hoppy aroma and tastes like thick coffee with a kick. If this is bad, we don’t want to be good.