Jolly Pumpkin Oro De Calabaza

Jolly Pumpkin Oro de Calabaza - Belgian Golden AleJolly Pumpkin, another Michigan brewery, makes a pumpkin ale, but this isn’t it. It’s a Belgian Golden Ale, and not just any Belgian Golden Ale. In a blind taste testing with 19 other top beers in that style the New York Times rated Jolly Pumpkin Oro De Calabaza #1. That’s pretty impressive, don’t you think? But wait - there’s more! Men’s Journal Magazine puts it in the top 25 of all beers!

The beer is unfiltered and is “spicy, fruity, and floral, with soft carbonation and fresh, vibrant flavors” according to the Times. Interesting to note about Jolly Pumpkin: all of their beers are barrel aged and every bottle is stamped with a batch number and a barrel number.

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