Rogue Juniper Pale Ale

Rogue Juniper Pale Ale is saffron in color with a smooth malt balance, floral aroma with a dry spicy finish from whole juniper berries. Being a fan of gin, I’m looking forward to this one. (Okay, it’s not Bombay Sapphire, but I’m sure I’ll still like it.) An accountant (Jeff Schultz) was the home brewer who contacted Rob Strasser and they approached Jack Joyce, Bob Woodell (past U of Oregon fraternity brothers) to starta brewery. Beginning in Ashland, OR, they have since grown and moved to Newport, OR.

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  1. [...] was changed at the last minute & would normally not be considered a “Q” beer R Rogue Juniper Pale Ale S Samuel Adams Boston Lager T Three Floyds Alpha King U Breckenridge Lucky U V Victory Prima Pils W [...]

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