Xingu Black Beer

Talk about people passionate about beer. Xingu Black Beer is the result of a couple from Vermont flying to Brazil to try to recreate a lost beer. The husband, a writer, had learned about a beer dating back to 1556 from the Amazon rainforest while researching an article on the history of beers in the world. They couldn’t find the original beer so they worked with a local as crazy as they were to find a brewery to help them bring it back to life.

The beer? It’s a dark, opaque rich brew with a touch of bitterness and some sweetness. Worth a trip to the Amazon? You decide.

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  1. [...] T Three Floyds Alpha King U Breckenridge Lucky U V Victory Prima Pils W Whitsun Ale, Arcadia X Xingu Black Beer Y Young’s Double Chocolate Stout Z Zatecky [...]

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